Archive for the Category » Ontario «

August 12th, 2009 | Author:

We had a calm night at the anchorage in the Bustards. It is definitely one of my favorite places so far. But, Kelley listened to the weather and although today was to be nice, tomorrow was not to be so pleasant. We made the decision to cross Georgian Bay, go through Killarney and on to the anchorage at Covered Portage.

It was a great decision. We had another crossing that one thinks of when one thinks about lakes. There wasn’t a ripple in the water. (Here is a video of our entering Killarney. We had hoped for a bear, but, no luck.) (Once I figure out how to upload it!!!

Covered Portage is a rather large anchorage and is well protected from the winds that were to be blowing. We made our way to the back. This area is clay with weeds and it took some patience to make sure we were in; we were pleased we had taken the time.

Off on a dinghy ride to look at the coastline. hat400 Just to let you all know I am thinking about you all. And lo, a boat from home! avalon400

Well, it turns out the owner sailed in California a lot and loved Avalon, so that is why he says boat is from there. He lives in Lansing, MI. It was kind of funny to talk to him with my CIYC hat on.

Look at what happens in this place. messy400

What wind that does come in causes the boats to change directions; ones on the right of the area pointed to the middle, those on the left pointed to the middle and the boats in the middle, they continued to face out. Before bed, we were not facing out but towards the back of the anchorage, as were the other boats.

On Friday Kelley took a rock-climbing hike up the granite sides of the anchorage. As you can see the view was spectacular.

This is the view looking east. vieweast400

And west:viewweat400

Killarney is just a 10 minute dinghy ride around those rocks. The entrance to the bay is around the rocks to the right. entrance400

As you can see the bay is large with lots of room for many boats. harborsiaze400We spent a pleasant day. Friday came and we waited for the wind to kick up and the thunder storm. The sky remained blue. A lovely day and evening; but then we went to sleep. There was some rain and that was it; until we went to sleep.

Oh my! The night flashed into day! The thunder echoed around the cliffs. The rain pounded the boat. The storm passed and we held our ground. No sooner were we asleep and there was a rerun, but bigger!

We again checked and all in the bay were holding. Patience in anchoring had paid off.

Category: Cruising, Ontario  | Comments off
August 12th, 2009 | Author:

We left Kilarney, the entrance to the North Channel and entered Georgian Bay. We had missed visiting the Bustards and heard that they were beautiful. We couldn’t miss them and were glad that we didn’t. Click on the images if you would like a better look.

Category: Cruising, Ontario  | Comments off
July 07th, 2009 | Author:

Time to move on! We enjoyed our stay in Snug Harbor, but, the weather was not looking good for today, so we decided to move on to Killarney.


You can see as we entered the town, the weather was gloomy. The wind was blowing and we must say that we were pleased that the Killarney Mountain Lodge had a slip for us. It is a beautiful spot. The grounds are lovely – pool, tennis courts, horse shoes, and of course, fishing and boating.

We passed Herbert’s Fisheries. 2-herberts500It is the place with the red roof. This is a must for a meal.

This was our lunch spot. Best fish and chips in town.

This was our lunch spot. Best fish and chips in town.

There are tables out so that you can eat there. It didn’t seem like a good idea to us when we went – it was raining. We went on back to the boat.

The Killarney Mountain Lodge has wireless. Off we went to the card room.

Kelley paid bills and caught up on mail; then I caught up on my mail and the knitting world. There are cottages here or rooms that one can rent. The grounds have beautiful gardens. 4-mtlodge400

Here is the Carousel Bar.


There was a lovely fireplace in the middle and it was going during the afternoon. At night we went back and listened to a guitar player. This place attracts people from all over the world. That night, there were people from Switzerland and a couple from Amsterdam. We met a nice young couple from Goderich, Ontario, Jim and Susan. (Susan is a knitter!)neighbors400

We took a quick walk around town dodging rain drops. We had to taste the local dairy. Yummy!yum400

Wednesday was to be a lovely day, so we took off for a walk to a lighthouse. It was a nice easy walk – and we thought we were very thoughtful of our environment: we allowed the bugs to try to bite us! We know there is a reason we have Deet on the boat; if only we would remember to use it!

The walk was worth it. The lighthouse. 3walklight400Georgian Bay, with its rugged coastline, but with water as flat and welcoming as can be. A sailboat, leaving Killarney, which is what we did once we returned to the boat.boatleaving400

The cottages on the island opposite Killarney are lovely.kilcot400

This was our favorite. This work shed belongs to the house to the right. I would love that shed. I do believe that Kelley and I would fight over whose it was!favcot400cottage400We are off to the Bustards!

Category: Cruising, Ontario  | Comments off
July 07th, 2009 | Author:

We left The Pool with gray skies and wind coming from the west. We thought we ought to move onto another anchorage, Snug Harbor. 2snug400The hype for this spot is that should there be a gale blowing in the bay, once inside Snug Harbor one wouldn’t know it. I must say it was pleasant once we were anchored. It was chilly out bit we were toasty inside.


See how the bottoms of the trees look like they have been pruned to be the smae height. In our guide book it says that many people think that they are this way because of the snow, but it has to do with the deer. This is the height that they can reach when they are grazing. Interesting?

Rain came and went….we did feel Snug.

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