Archive for the Category » 2014 «

August 18th, 2014 | Author:

Haircuts! It had been 2 months since mine was cut. I was pleased how nicely it had grown out, but really! The four of us got cuts, trims and color! And then there were oysters.
17 haircut

Tim had spoken to a friend there and he said that his boat went and gathered oysters from the beach and that they were delicious and safe. Kelley, Chuck and Richard went oyster picking. There will be barbequed oysters for appetizers! (for those that want them)
Once the “salon” closed we worked our way into Desolation Sound to Prideaux Haven. This is a beautiful place to anchor and was very popular. Orcas! Hunting! What a thrill to stop and watch them for a bit. They came so close to the boat.
17 orcas
After getting anchored, it was time for a safe landing beer!
17 safe landing beer
Then into the dinghy to tour the harbor. There were so many nooks and crannies and each had boats anchored and people playing.
17 ahhh
Having the sun sure improves one’s attitude.
Cocktails and Oysters!
17 oysters

Category: 2014, Canada, Cruising, Gulf Islands, The Big U  | Comments off
August 17th, 2014 | Author:

We bid farewell to Dent Island. Great location. Delicious food. Friends. What could be better?
We were the first to leave, the 3 Grand Banks holding our friends followed us out to the rapids…

We are off to Campbell River to pick up Kathleen and her friend Richard. Kathleen is Karlyn’s hairdresser…we are all getting our hair cut. We had a quick lunch at Moxie’s on the dock and then Kathleen and Richard arrived.

We then untied and headed off to Gorge Harbor. 16 gorge
This was a popular spot. Once anchored, we took a dinghy tour of the harbor and then back to the boat for dinner.

After dinner we walked around the resort.
16 gorge harbor

16 cruisers

16 gorge at rest

Category: 2014, Canada, Cruising, Gulf Islands, The Big U  | Comments off
August 16th, 2014 | Author:

Kelley and Chuck went fishing in the morning and sadly returned with out a fish! They were troopers as it was raining!
In the afternoon Karlyn and I found Ann and Barbara and we played Rummikub in the “library” of the lodge. We thought about how last summer we would play at CIYC and have a mango mai tai….we settled for a cup of tea. So much fun being with the girls!
And speaking of girls. We thought it would be fun to mix up the tables like at CIYC and asked Jodie if she would arrange the seating! Great job, Jodie…a girls’ and a guys’ table. Although it was our anniversary, Kelley and I felt that we could be apart!

Category: 2014, Canada, Cruising, Gulf Islands, The Big U  | Comments off
August 15th, 2014 | Author:

Today we are heading for Dent Island for the meet up with friends (on 4 different boats) from CIYC and BCYC. Because there are strong currents and then rapids that we are going to go through, it is important to time the trip accordingly.
We were going through a calm area when it was my turn to drive…we then turned a corner and the current was really strong. Tim was giving me a lesson on following routes. All seemed well when we began to notice bigger and bigger swirls…the rapids! Tim told me to use the wheel and not the small auto knob and Kelley said to go faster. I wasn’t able to drive and increase speed, Tim said, “Like this!” and he pushed the throttles all the way forward. What a ride we had. I had no idea that these were the rapids that we were waiting for slack tide…apparently are timing was off!
14 more rapids
Once through the rapids we went around the corner and there she was! Dent Island Resort! Sun! Warmth! And friends who arrived once we were tied up.
14 dent island
Kelley and I went on a Rapid Run from the resort. It was amazing to jet around the rapids. They had increased in size since we had arrived.
14 aug rapids
To one side of the area where the rapids are, these signs have been nailed up. They are the names of the tows that successfully made the trip through the rapids with their loads. As you can see the captains wanted their recognition and I believe that it is well deserved.
14 tow signs
We did cocktails on the dock Dent_Ladies_copy_, with a very brief auxiliary meeting and then went to the lodge for more cocktails and dinner. We ate outside it was so lovely.

Category: 2014, Canada, Cruising, Gulf Islands, The Big U  | Comments off