Archive for » November, 2007 «

November 30th, 2007 | Author:

Being a person who tries to embrace technology, I was thrilled when Kelley came home with a Garmin for us….originally it was a present for me, but then, that is another story. Being here in Fort Myers we are challenged to locate places (especially since I am convinced that Floridians like to have a lot of road construction going on all over their state; closing much needed roads – once again, another story).

This morning I wanted to go to the grocery store. In the old days, “pre-Garmin,” I would have gone to Google and on their maps located where I wanted to go, write it down and drive away. But this morning, all I had to do was turn Garmin on and select a store close by and start driving. Yes, Publix is close; I hadn’t been to this one and I like that chain.

Now, this is a new Garmin and suppose to have the latest information. Well, Publix Supermarket is no longer in business at the address to which I was taken. Okay…not a big deal. Select another store close by: Albertson’s. I like Albertson’s; it will work for me. Off I go…remember the construction info above….well, after driving and having Garmin, in her irritating English voice, tell me she would re-calculate the directions over and over again, I finally arrived at the Albertson’s, which is now call Harley-Davison…… Yes, I finally went to a supermarket I had been to before…in North Fort Meyers; I had to come back to the boat to get there.

So this early evening, Kelley says we should go to Radio Shack and buy rabbit ears for the TV until we get DirectTV installed. He checks Garmin. “Oh no,” says I. “Call and make sure they are really there.” One store isn’t, but the second one is. Off we go…construction woes here meaning bad directions and finally after many “re-calculations” we arrive at the address. It is a dark and empty structure. (Never once when the phone was answered did I think to ask if the address was correct!) Cell phone to the rescue:

“Where are you?”



Once we arrive at said Radio Shack, we ask, “How long have you been at this location instead of the old one?”

“Three years or more…”

So, we are getting a brand new GPS with all the “new” charts loaded for Florida and on up to Maine. I ask you, have they checked to see if any of the states are closed for construction?

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November 28th, 2007 | Author:

The gathering of items that we must have on the boat continues to grow. There are fishing poles and reels and yarn and needles. Guess who is packing what? We have weighed the cases this time and know that we are under the 50 pound weight. As much as I love the rolling cases, they do take poundage away from you!

Flight leaves at 6:45 am again. In January, Continental is changing their first flight to 8 something. I like that much better!

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November 22nd, 2007 | Author:

We are sleeping on land for nine nights. We are home. It is Thanksgiving and this family has so much about which to be thankful. We all have our health. We have created our own happiness. We have a new member of the York Clan in that Jameson married Robyn this fall. And, we use to have wealth, until Prime Time came into our lives!

But then there is the wealth of experiences that Kelley and I will have in the upcoming months. We return to Florida on Thursday, the 29th, and will be there for 2 weeks. This will be our first chance to take the boat out for a spin on our own. We are planning to cruise for about 5 days. And then? Well, I have been looking into one way flights….but, to think that far ahead for me becomes overwhelming. I am not a brave person. I would have been in St. Louis waving good -bye to my friends leaving for the West in their covered wagons; and then I would have happily returned to my home. But I have always admired strong women. Perhaps it is time for me to step up!

So to all of our friends, thank you for your good wishes. We are thankful for your friendship. Cheers!

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November 18th, 2007 | Author:

I just want a shower. Surely that isn’t too much to ask. I am sure the people that I have been around would like me to have a shower also. Let’s see…the master shower’s sump pump was one of those “search every 90 seconds looking for water.” Kelley disconnected it. But then he wanted the water pump to work. Why? We are connected to city water. But noooooo. So we have spent the day driving around Fort Myers making new best friends at every store we visited.

Kelley is so talented. A new water pump and it works! And the sump pump will be replaced! There are showers in our futures.

There are many boats here with liveaboards and as I was making the last trip to fetch treasures from our shopping many were gathered on boats toasting the sunset. Apparently this is a very friendly marina. There is a note up for a pot luck Thanksgiving. I think this is great to have a little community around us. Our Port neighbors lived in Mexico for 8 years. They have a Mexican dog…she barks in Spanish when ever she hears us approach. We understand she is friendly; but I tell people that same thing about Cricket as she barks and races to the gate when strangers approach. Painta will get us to us.

Hope your sunset is as pretty as ours is here!

(I did finally get my shower and it was terrific. Thank you, friends, for your concerns!)

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