Archive for » 2008 «

September 09th, 2008 | Author:

Off to Tobermory. It seemed to rain all last night; gentle, but constant. We woke to blue skies with dark clouds heading towards Parry Sound – not in the direction we were planning on going. Kelley wanted to wait a bit longer to make sure that the weather seemed stable and so we left the dock at 9. We thought about anchoring in Wing???…but there were sailboats in there and and they were in the best spots; we had a little wind but Georgian Bay seemed calm enough – nothing like Saturday!

We are tied up in Little Tub Harbor. We are in a slip that is right in town; it reminds us of Annapolis, although emphasis is on TOWN, perchance VILLAGE is a better term. But, all is handy. I am thinking pizza for dinner; Kelley is thinking shrimp pasta. I will let you know who the winner is later.

Category: Cruising, Ontario  | Comments off
September 08th, 2008 | Author:

Went for a great hike on part of the Bruce Penninsula Trail. It was crisp and fall like. This is beautiful country. We ate lunch at MaryDales…just okay; but one less meal that I have to make! We leave tomorrow for Tobermory and Little Tub Harbor. It is suppose to be rainy and windy! So what else is new?

Category: Cruising, Ontario  | Comments off
September 07th, 2008 | Author:

Crossed Parry Sound about 62 miles. There was a wind advisory but off we went. The crossing was uncomfortable, but we were not in danger. The wind blew, the swells rolled by. We are in Lion’s Head and comfortably tied to the wall (with Hydro).

Category: Cruising, Ontario  | Comments off
September 06th, 2008 | Author:

We left the quiet of Wani Bay and took the southern route to Parry Sound. We made a stop at Henry’s for lunch. Fresh fish and it was good. We got 2 butter tarts to go. They are suppose to be known for their butter tarts. We have never had one, so I am sure it will be the best we have ever had! The southern route to Parry is narrow and during the season it is filled with cottagers racing through the inlets. There is a large ship called the Island Queen and she navigates these waters daily. There is just barely room for her! But we had a comfortable ride. We saw very few small boats. Labor Day has come and gone and most of the cottages are closed already. When we arrived at Parry Sound the government docks didn’t have anyone working. We tied up and located a woman at the Island Queen office and she said she thought everyone was gone. So, we are staying FREE. I love it!

The town is small and is active during the season because of the cottages. We hit the library (for Internet), a local used book store (knitting books) and Kelley rode his bike to get a few groceries.

We are waiting out a storm. Knowing us we will not wait long enough.

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