Bay off Twelve Mile Bay. We have left Beausoleil Island and traveled about 12 miles. The weather is nice. There are few boats out today. Labor Day has passed and most people as at home are preparing their children for school. The last boating holiday for the season. We have a calm trip through channels with with bays called Frying Pan, Indian Harbor…we are on our way to Wani Bay. This little bay was suggested by Paul and Angela. On one side there is a Provincial Park and on another side there is a small cottage, although we see no one. We are thrilled as the anchor holds the first time. We have not had any issues with anchoring, but many times it takes us repeated attempts to get it to hold. During our time here, a few boats come and go. We stay. Rain is passing through and we are cozy and safe.
Archive for » September, 2008 «
September 03rd, 2008 | Author: Heidi