Archive for » July, 2014 «

July 26th, 2014 | Author:
We thought we were doing just the Perseverance Trail, but you know Kelley

We thought we were doing just the Perseverance Trail, but you know Kelley


Here is a map of the area…we included the Red Mill Trail loop and Kelley continued up to the mine Camp Ruins.
The “easy” hike went on for almost 3 hours! But, it was beautiful.

Category: 2014, Alaska, The Big U  | Comments off
July 26th, 2014 | Author:

Kelley and I are visiting Juneau for a week! Hope we can entertain ourselves.

Monday's trip to the Mendenhall Glacier

Monday’s trip to the Mendenhall Glacier

Hiking the East Glacier Trail

Hiking the East Glacier Trail

Look how big the glacier use to be in the '40's.

Look how big the glacier use to be in the ’40′s.

Category: 2014, Alaska, The Big U  | Comments off
July 26th, 2014 | Author:

We arrived in Auke Bay – Chuck, Kelley and I took off for Costco to supply the boat with goodies for Tauni and Ernie’s family that is arriving tonight. Dinner at Twisted Fish!

Category: 2014, Alaska, The Big U  | Comments off
July 26th, 2014 | Author:
Small Community - 20 permanent residents!

Small Community – 20 permanent residents!

There is a post office, a school and a library. There is a Bath House, over a natural hot spring, with hours posted for times that men/women can use it.


Quite charming.

Category: 2014, Alaska, The Big U  | Comments off