Archive for July 7th, 2014

July 07th, 2014 | Author:

Although we have seen glaciers from the sky while flying, DSCN2584we are going to Tracy Arm and will be visiting the North and South Sawyer Glaciers tomorrow.

As we were leaving Frederick Sound and making a right into Stephens Passage we encountered a large pod of humpback whales. They were so close, and although we stopped, some came right to the boat and then blew! One whale was entertaining us with flapping his fins from side to side, slapping his tail and RSCN2605.
This flying out of the water was not a one time event…we must have watched the show for about 20 minutes.

Alas, time to move on. We anchored in a small cove at the beginning of the Tracy Arm, I believe it is called Holkham. When we arrived, we were greeted by
but not one, but
A great cruising day, a quiet harbor, perfect.

Category: 2014, Alaska, The Big U, whales  | Comments off
July 07th, 2014 | Author:

On to Petersburg. A 7.5 hour run; a long day but the scenery was unbeatable. I liked it best when we were entering the Wrangell Narrows, also called Christmas Tree Lane (because these huge trees line both sides of the strait). As the strait winds around we saw a few fishing lodges and some homes on the water. It is pretty barren…………
We got a slip in Petersburg – around 6.

Mexican train tonight – He who doesn’t like games (Chuck) won 4 games in a row! Yikes!

Category: 2014, Alaska, The Big U  | Comments off
July 07th, 2014 | Author:

We are off to DSCN2558 this morning. Beautiful water ways with the pine trees coming right down to the water. To get into Myers Chuck you make a quick turn between large rocks and through a narrow passage into this charming cove.
We tied up to a long dock and got off the boat to walk on the small trail that takes one to the cabins that line the shore. DSCN2561

Karlyn and I stayed up and watched the “sun set” at 10ish. Although the sun doesn’t really set here until around 11 (and up at 2, I think) the colors of pink, peach, gold with the darkness from rain clouds causing parts to look purple was beautiful. A great first day!

Category: 2014, Alaska, The Big U  | Comments off