I loved Sarasota and would have been happy to stay there for a long time, but, we have places to get to…
Because Kelley had gotten the pass, at least he was hoping it was the right one, we were going to go through Venice. It is lovely on the ICW because it is like driving through one neighborhood after another. Beautiful homes on the water, many trailer parks, restaurants and bridges. Draw bridges and swing bridges. I like boating here because there is so much to see and you must be attentive to where you are going.
Just as we are leaving Venice, lo and behold (you would be disappointed if this hadn’t happened), a Fish and Game boat. We were entering a spot where there is no wake, so Kelley was slowing down. He waved, but the officer did not wave back. I recognized HIM. Yes, the “water nazi.” He was stopped and busy looking at our window (and sticker); I smiled and waved. He looked up, and…
Yes, he waved and then took off. “Don’t look back, Babe, but that was the GUY!” Yippee!
I should have taken a picture of him. We were so pleased to continue to pass on through.
After about 5 hours we finally got to Useppa Island where we were going to anchor. 5 hours is a long time for me to be boating, especially when we really haven’t a time line. I think I am going to need to get Kelley to slow down. If this is a journey we need to make sure it is enjoyed by all participants (especially the First Mate).
The Happy Fisherman