Sunday, August 10th, 2014 | Author:

Fog! Like, is there a front to the boat? But it finally cleared – and we continued to Mathieson Channel. It is beautiful
Kynock Inlet cropped

This Inlet has extremely tall granite mountains on both sides of it. Spectacular!

We continued up to cross small rapids into Culpepper Lagoon. Tim had spoken to another captain and he said that no one goes there and it is stunning…we toured the Lagoon and decided that we would move on, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I liked how we had to curve around to enter the Lagoon.
through to Culpepper Lagoon cropped

Leaving Kynoch
out Kynock cropped

We arrive at Rescue Bay after a 9 hour day…but, this does put us closer to tomorrow’s destination.

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