Monday, August 18th, 2014 | Author:

Haircuts! It had been 2 months since mine was cut. I was pleased how nicely it had grown out, but really! The four of us got cuts, trims and color! And then there were oysters.
17 haircut

Tim had spoken to a friend there and he said that his boat went and gathered oysters from the beach and that they were delicious and safe. Kelley, Chuck and Richard went oyster picking. There will be barbequed oysters for appetizers! (for those that want them)
Once the “salon” closed we worked our way into Desolation Sound to Prideaux Haven. This is a beautiful place to anchor and was very popular. Orcas! Hunting! What a thrill to stop and watch them for a bit. They came so close to the boat.
17 orcas
After getting anchored, it was time for a safe landing beer!
17 safe landing beer
Then into the dinghy to tour the harbor. There were so many nooks and crannies and each had boats anchored and people playing.
17 ahhh
Having the sun sure improves one’s attitude.
Cocktails and Oysters!
17 oysters

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